Media - Press Release

"Every day we process an average of 4.200 images since 12am to 10pm (1.5 million of images per year). Using IES Prefs, customized to our workflow, for various functions, every image element is processed automatically, fast with precision and great quality result"...(CLX-Europe)

2018 June
Letter - Testimonial from DER SPIEGEL - Production department
DER SPIEGEL > KlearVision.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 38.1 KB

2018 April
Letter from CLX Europe / Verona (Largest customer of KlearVision Kolor-D Suite)
Adobe Acrobat Document 124.8 KB

2014 October
Newsletter from Schwabe+Braun (German dealer of KlearVision Kolor-D Suite) after show (Infotainment Open House - Oktoberfest 2014)
Adobe Acrobat Document 587.6 KB

2009 December
"HOLON, ISRAEL and PHOENIX, AZ, USA -- KVD KlearVision Digital today announced the release of the KOLOR-D Intelligent Color Server, engineered specifically for the unique needs of graphic arts production managers ...."
PR KlearVision Kolor D HTML.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 858.7 KB